Sunday 26 February 2012


Those who follow my blog will know that I've been refreshing my pro website and integrating functionality into it. With the advent of full blog support from my website provider I have taken the step to fully integrate my blog into the website.

In time I will put a redirect in place but for now I'd love it if you'd update any links you have to and continue to follow the blog there.

If you follow the ThoughtsAndThingsBlog via Google Friend Connect or Networked Blogs then please re-follow me there.

Thursday 23 February 2012


Thanks to the power of Twitter I found that the Red Bull Hill Chasers event was to be held in Bristol last Saturday. I thought it an excellent opportunity to photograph a night cycling event which was a double first as I had neither photographed a cycling event or a night time sports event before.

My pre-event banter with another local photographer was about which lenses to use and what ISO would be needed. In a naive fashion I said I'd go for 800 ISO and see what happened. I found I was completely unprepared for the sheer speed of the event and despite the lighting I found I was using 3200 ISO to get anywhere near freezing the action. Due to the crowd, I couldn't see the approaching cyclists, so I just had to setup the camera, use continual auto-focus with high-speed continuous shooting, hold the camera out past the crowd line and hit the button. Needless to say 80% of the shots were empty but as for the rest .. well see for yourselves ...

In a twitter discussion  with Maz Hawes from Light And Day Photography I mentioned I was worried about the graininess I'd see when I processed the photos. The response from Maz was 'Embrace The Grain And Go Mono'. You'll see that with some of the shots I've done just that, I hope you enjoy the look, for me it's very different and refreshing.

Tuesday 7 February 2012


I've been absent from the blogging scene .. again .. for a while. There always seems to be something else going on ... as you will have seen from the last couple of holding posts I've been working on redeveloping my photography website which is now pretty much complete.

That comes as a sigh of relief as it was starting to take over from the job it was supposed to do which is to act as a shop window for my photographs.

I haven't stopped taking photographs while I haven't been blogging, I just haven't had time to package them up and show them.

It's with great pleasure that I present to you the following which was a quick grab with my camera phone. I think it has great atmosphere demonstrates just what a lovely winters evening it was.

I look forward to getting back on track with the blog, the photographs and of course twitter #photochat .

Sweet Shot Day


I've written over the last few weeks about how I've been working on reauthoring the website and I'm pleased to announce that it's pretty much there - HURRAH!

There will be one or two more tweaks to the galleries and content and there are few new features, events and  shoots in the pipeline but I'm pleased to announce that we're open for business.

My grateful thanks to those who have helped me along the way. During this process I've learned the value of asking for and taking on board independent  feedback, no matter how much you might disagree with it sometimes, and I hope you agree with me that the site is much better for it.

Please have a look around the site and see what's on offer.  I hope you'll take in the galleries and enjoy some of the images while you're there.

So ... to all who helped me - thank you! and to all my visitors past, present and future thank you and welcome!